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A Science of The Soul

Sep 23, 2024

Why Psychology?

I actually quite recently was reminded that the word psychology is of Greek origin and translates to the “science of breath”. The Greek’s who associated breath with life often connected it to the soul. As they witnessed the dying man give his last breath, so did they also liken this to the soul leaving the body. In this regard the science of breath is the science of the soul.

This most definitely resonates with me and my philosophy of practice. I think of psychology and its application on the self to really be a science and art of self evolution—-that is the evolution of the soul. This work goes far beyond simply learning mental skills to perform better at things. It is about truly empowering the individual to enhance one’s entire existence.

You can begin working on your own psychology right now. There are many ways to understand oneself, (meditation, journaling, exercise, therapy, art, sport, etc.) and all it really takes is the intention and awareness to do so in the first place. Approach each day mindfully, with gratitude, and child-like eagerness and you won’t go wrong.

Get in tune with your true power and ideal self by practicing the science of the soul!

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