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Energy Management (Part 1)

Sep 23, 2024

Energy is energy!

To manage energy properly is to work toward attaining balance. It ALL comes down to achieving balance. This is key ????. The imbalance in one’s energy (too high or too low) is what produces the undesirables states which, in turn, hurt our performance.

To a great extent, our energy can be and is affected by our perspectives or how we look at/appraise the situation.

Excitement, for example, is the anticipation of something positive which hasn’t happened yet. Anxiety, on the flip side, is the anticipation or fear of something negative which hasn’t happened yet.

Again, in the examples, we get into a lot of the labeling, which falls under situation appraisal/perspective. We want to get out of labeling as much as possible, however, given that these are programmed habits and not easily parted with, we can simply work within the appraisal mindset and apply REFRAMING.

Reframing is just the act of telling yourself a different story about your situation. Applying this technique can help us “mentally transmute” or shift an undesirable state (anxiety) into a desirable one (excitement).

More to come in part two regarding more techniques and ways to manage your energy. For now look at situations in your life which cause undesirable states like anxiety and see how you can reframe them.

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