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Perfection – The Killer of Action

mental performance Sep 23, 2024

This advice applies to myself just as much as anyone watching…

Perfection, or rather, the desire toward perfection can be the killer of action in that which you are pursuing.

Focus on the journey rather than the outcome and destination. Set intentions rather than expectations.

Just DO the work with disciplined, earnest, and sincere intentions toward proper mindful action and the rest will naturally fall into place.

You can always make corrections and adjustments upon subsequent tries, but shooting for the perfect outcome will almost always stop you in your tracks or lead you to upset, frustration, and any other non-physical pain.

To quote Kazumi Tabata in the book, Secret Tactics, “in archery, if you are absorbed by the thought of hitting the mark you will have difficulty even in aiming”.

Delete perfectionism and just take action!

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