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Self-Emanation Principle (Part 2)

mental performance Sep 23, 2024

Welcome to Part 2 of my Self-Emanation Principle series!

Self-emanation is the idea that self-enhancement and subsequent healing begins within and emanates outward.

In Part 1 we began with the “heart center”, starting this work with getting in touch with who we truly are. This involves asking vital questions such as “what I am all about?”, “what do I believe in?”, “what do I love in life?”, “who do I care about?”, etc…

Once we start dialing into who we are and realize our personal power, we then move into the “psycho-emotional field” (that blue-colored circle on the diagram). This includes our thoughts and emotions experienced and expressed outwardly. We must live and act in accordance with the true and ideal self we are at our core–the heart center. This involves proper self-talk and emotional control so that we are congruent with what is inside.

Now, here in Part 2, we emanate out further and move into the physical body and its needs. Our physical body is our vessel or temple as the saying goes. We must take care of it by feeding the 3 pillars—optimal nutrition, movement, and rest.

It is all about QUALITY over quantity. Feed your body rather than fueling your ego. Unnecessarily pushing your body with excessive exercise and/or poor movement technique will only hurt you. The same goes for not getting enough quality rest on a daily basis to balance and regenerate. Similarly with nutrition, we want to do our best to eat whole, well-sourced foods, not overdoing with restrictive diets or, on the flip side, junk foods, alcohol, etc.

Practice balanced, quality, and intentional care for your body and you will THRIVE. If you need help with any of the above 3 physical pillars, find a GOOD, knowledgeable coach that can properly guide you. This is key. Beware of the many charlatans there out there whom are pushing dangerously wrong information such as restrictive diets, extreme exercise protocols, and/or poor/improper technique. Once again, a good, experienced coach will help you properly navigate around all of this.

Stay tuned for part 3!

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