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Self-Emanation Principle (Part 3)

mental performance Sep 23, 2024

In part 3 of this Self-Emanation Principle series we get into our inner circle which represents our immediate environment—our living space and the people in it.

In part 1 we talk about where it all begins—the heart center—and getting in touch with who we are at a core or soul level. After this we emanate into the psycho-emotional sphere, which entails our thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors.

Then in part 2 we emanate out into the triangle which represents our physical body. Proper care of the body means proper rest, nutrition, and movement. Ensuring these primary needs are met sets us up for optimal performance as souls on Earth. Remember that your body is your temple.

Now in part 3 we discuss taking the action steps to optimize your immediate environment.

Is your living space clean and in order? If it isn\’t, then start there. Is the environment/neighborhood you are living in a relatively low-stress one? If it isn\’t are you in position to be able to move? If not, you may still do the work to clean up and harmonize the living space.

In addition to the physical space you live in, the immediate environment also includes any people living in your life or interacting with you on a daily basis. These could be family members, friends, partners, etc. To an extent they may also include your co-workers. Essentially it is anyone close to you whom you let into your life more than others.

The key question to ask with regards to optimizing your immediate environment with the people in it is this: \”Are the people in your immediate space For You or Against You?\”

Do they support you and celebrate your wins and successes? Do they promote your well-being by supporting healthy habits and lifestyle choices?

OR…Do they bring you down? Do they disrupt your discipline? Do they criticize your actions and/or ideas?

Remember that the honest questions will bring honest answers. You know will know which category these people fall under. If they are in that latter group, also know that it likely is not intentional behavior, but rather a product of subconscious processes which are beyond the scope of this video.

Cutting these people out of your life completely may not be realistic or feasible. Instead, it is about recognizing that which is in your inner environment and learning to properly communicate and coexist, with the people close to you, to create the necessary harmony which is all in congruence with who you are inside.

Stay tuned for the fourth and final part to this series where we wrap things up by discussed the outer circles and what those mean for you.

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