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The Dream Path (Part 1) – Identify The Dream

Sep 23, 2024

This is the first of 3 short-video/article series covering what I feel is the essence of self-development—the pursuit of living our dreams!

There are 3 parts: identifying the dream (part 1), getting focused (part 2), and mapping the journey (part 3).

So let’s get down to it…everything starts with awareness. When it comes to identifying your dream, you must ask yourself: “What do I want out of life?” 

This isn’t meant to be a short process. Take your time. Write down—journal it!

Along with the above questions, other guiding questions include:

What do I enjoy doing?

What am I good at? What are my skills?

What am I very passionate about?

What would I want to do without ever needing or desiring monetary compensation for?

What brings me the most satisfaction and fulfillment in life?

All of these questions should help organize yourself and get the ideas flowing. Do this without judgment or preconceived limitations. 

In the video it may sound like I am only talking about “doing something” but the dream really is a lifestyle; and it goes beyond career or vocation. Other things to consider when identifying the dream is, what kind of lifestyle do you want to be leading? What kind of relationships do you want to have? Where would you like to live? What would you like your days to consist of? 

Remember, too, that the dream is really a journey. That’s why I call it The Dream PATH. It is an ongoing flow of living, doing, and experiencing.

So go ahead and begin identifying that which brings you the most joy in life. Identify YOUR DREAM PATH. Have fun with this process. Don’t frustrate over the fact that you don’t have it yet or about how attainable it is. Let all of that go! We will get to “how” of it later. What’s crucial is that you are first able to envision it as a reality—hence, the practice we are undergoing now.

Get to it and let 2020 be the year you walk down your dream path!

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