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The Dream Path (Part 2) – Get Focused

Sep 23, 2024

This is a 3-part series all about the fundamental reach in a person’s life—living one’s dream. More specifically it is walking one’s “dream path”.

Part 1 introduces this concept as well as provides how to take the first step toward it —identifying one’s own dream path. If you haven’t checked out the post go ahead and do so now.

Part 2, now, is about getting focused on this path. The main takeaway practice is to set your own mission statement. You can think of your mission statement as your personal philosophy. It should capture the essence of what you are all about and why you are here on this planet. Yes…we are really diving deep within on this.

In order to get focused on our dream path we need to establish the person we need to become in order to walk this path. By doing so we align with that energy and being-ness. How do we do this? By getting to know this ideal self that is to be living the dream.

Setting your mission statement involves knowing what your values are. Your values are you fundamental beliefs and belief systems. They essentially drive our thoughts/emotions, behaviors, and, ultimately, our actions.

To gather the building blocks to craft your own personal philosophy, ask yourself the following:

What is important to me? 

What are my values in life?

What are the elements (skills/attributes/traits) necessary to be living in congruence with said values?

From here you can start to form the pieces into a coherent statement or series of statements that most accurately capture YOU!

Know that your mission statement will likely change and evolve over time, so don’t get caught up with trying to make it perfect. Whatever you do put together, however, should feel empowering when read out loud to yourself.

As soon as possible, go ahead and take 5-10 minutes (or longer) to begin establishing your personal philosophy, aligning with your ideal self, and getting focused on your dream path.

You got this.

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