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The Three Ingredients to Success

mental performance Sep 22, 2024

If you wish to become successful in any endeavor, you need 3 things:

  • The Dream
  • The Drive
  • The Determination

Let\’s examine each…

The Dream

First off, you need to have a dream. What are you striving for? What is your goal?

Usually this is the easy part. Most people can dream big. Some cannot. But let\’s assume you are someone who has grand aspirations. Well, alright then. You have the dream.

The dream is that final product or outcome you have in mind. You must visualize and imagine it constantly. The more you engrain that image of the dream being attained the greater your chances are of it coming into fruition.

Now perhaps you do not have the dream. To this, I say, search deep within you to find what makes you passionate.

What do you absolutely love to do and/or are great at doing?

What calls out to you?

Answer these questions and you\’ll connect with your dreams.

The Drive

You have something you are aiming for. You have the dream. Now the second part is the drive.

This is that starting energy that\’s required to get yourself going. This is the initiatory ACTION that is required.

Without drive, the dream is just an intangible concept. It is just an idea and as beautiful or amazing as it may be, it will never see the light of day. There is zero physical manifestation without the drive.

How do you get the drive? To answer this question, I will pose another one…What drives YOU?

Really dig deep. Find that passion burning brightly within your being. That same passion that forms the dream is the one that fuels your drive.

More can be done to build the drive. What is your purpose or mission in life?

Whatever it is, strive to make it greater than you. Make your purpose something monumental. The more value and stock you put into your purpose, the more of a MUST it becomes. Failure to act becomes less and less of an option, until there is NO FAILURE. You will never quit.

Greater Purpose = Greater Drive

The Determination

The third and final piece to achieving success is the determination. This by far is the hardest thing to maintain. It is what sets the few who have achieved greatness apart from all the rest who just \”tried\”.

No achievement of any true significance is easy to attain.

The determination is having the will to carry out the work needed to achieve of the dream. It is the consistent effort which must be put day-in and day-out.

This is no easy feat.

There will be times when life gets in the way. There will be challenges. There will be controversies. There will be adversities and hardships.

Determination is the piece which brings it all together. Stay the course, and have the guts to finish what you started. Never back down.


If you want success, you MUST have the dream, the drive, and the determination.

Look at those who have reached the highest level in any pursuit and you will find all these ingredients at the heart of their glory.

Have a dream which excites you and fills you with absolute joy. Make this something you live and breathe for.

Muster the drive to put in the work it takes to make that dream a reality. Remind yourself of your purpose and mission.

Be determined to see it all to the finish. Be ready for obstacles to come your way.

These are tests of your determination and each time you push through you are that much closer to making the dream a permanent fixture in the Universe.

These are the keys to success. May you thrive.

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