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Understanding Your “Machinery” (BONUS Part 4) – The Interplay

mental performance Sep 23, 2024

This final bonus segment of Understanding Your “Machinery” gets into the interplay of this spiritual machinery of ours—the Heart-Mind-Ego complex.

As I’ve talked about, we are Souls, spiritual beings having a human experience. The ultimate goal and state of attainment is Balance. When we are balanced, we are operating our spiritual machinery properly. As I discuss in my Self-Emanation Principle series, this state of balance is attained by going to the Heart–becoming heart-centered beings.

Recognize that Mind is a powerful tool which you may channel unlimited energy (thought-force) from. Yet you are NOT the Mind.

Recognize that the Body is an amazing physical vessel through which the Soul navigates 3D reality, moving through space-time and serving as the reference point for experiences of soul evolution. Yet you are NOT the Body.

Treat your Body like a sacred temple, as the saying goes. Give it proper rest, nutrition, and movement. Treat Mind like the powerful tool that it is by feeding yourself with empowering thoughts and harnessing imagination and visualization to create your desired reality on a daily basis.

The power is, has been, and always will be in your hands. Yet remember that when you are in the Heart, there is no conscious desire for power. And when we no longer obsess and seek such external constructs, we paradoxically receive it all. Let that sink in for a moment.

Be the heart-centered Soul you always have been. Live a powerful life. Set goals. Go after your dreams and work earnestly towards the goals you set. Love yourself fully by engaging in practices, disciplines, and art forms which bring you joy and feed your passion. Take care of your Body and cultivate empowering thoughts. All of these things are healthy and balanced expressions of the Ego.

Stay tuned for a new series on its way which serves as the second phase to this one. It will be titled “Operating Your ‘Machinery'” and will dive further into the applications of the information shared thus far.

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