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Understanding Your “Machinery” (Part 1) – The Mind

mental performance Sep 23, 2024

This is a 4-part series (I decided to add a fourth after the making of the first 3) on the visible and invisible forces of we have access to.

As beings on Earth we possess a set of “operating tools” I refer to as the Heart-Mind-Ego complex.

This first video discusses the Mind—what it is and what function it serves.

The first Hermetic Principle of Alchemy (an ancient science for understanding the self and the working Universe) is that of Mentalism.

It dictates that the “All is Mind and the Universe is mental”. This implies that there is One Mind, one force or energy which creates all of the Universe as we know it.

The takeaway here, without getting lost in the above ideas, is that this same Mind which has given rise to the Universe is the very same creative, perceptive, and transmissive Force which each and every one of us have access to.

When you truly grasp this, you begin to realize how powerful “your mind” is in all its infinite potential.

Most of us, however, become slaves to our minds, letting ourselves fall victim to negative and limiting thoughts, beliefs, and self-fulfilling prophecies. Additionally we identify with Mind and think we are our thoughts.

We must detach from this notion by understanding that Mind is simply a tool and a very powerful unlimited one at that.

You may be wondering what this has to do with better performance as a martial artist, fighter, or athlete.

Well…this level of understanding of Mind is the tip of a very big iceberg of potential when it comes to your performance.

Harness the power of Mind as your ally in creating, perceiving, and transmitting energy, and you are well on your own way to the exponentially enhancing your ability as a martial artist and human being.


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