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Understanding Your “Machinery” (Part 2) – The Body/Ego

mental performance Sep 23, 2024

Our Body is the physical vessel or “Earth ship” used by our Soul to navigate in this 3rd dimensional plane we live in.

The Body provides our Soul with a reference point as it navigates along space and linear time.

Just like we are not Mind, as talked about in Part 1, we also are NOT the Body. However, we must take care of the body by ensuring quality rest, nutrition, and movement on a consistent and steady basis.

This type of care and understanding for the Body allows to operate optimally as beings on Earth.

Now, the next piece alongside body is the invisible construct that is Ego. What is Ego? You may think of it as the “self-identification software” inherently built into us. Ego is born out of the Mind-Body relationship. Mind, attached to body, generates, for our Souls, this illusion of separateness.

It is a necessary construct, and contrary to popular belief in spiritual and “new-age” schools of thought, it is nothing “bad” or “negative”. Sure there are traps and seemingly negative experiences only when one overly attaches to outcomes, expectations, physical appearances, preconceived notions of self, thoughts, etc…

The key, really, is to simply recognize that, like Body, Ego is also a tool at our disposal in this game called \”Life\”. It is a part of our spiritual machinery, and knowing how to operate it allows us, as spiritual beings, to avoid its trappings and pitfalls.

Key takeaways:

  • You are not your Body, yet you must take great care of it with proper rest, nutrition, and exercise.
  • Ego is a tool that gives us a certain individuality and personality in this world, and provides us with “desire force”—the basis for goals and accomplishments in physicality.
  • Be mindful that you are not your Body nor the Mind, and that these are merely powerful tools which your Soul as access to.

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