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Understanding Your “Machinery” (Part 3) – The Heart/Soul

mental performance Sep 23, 2024

Here in Part 3 of Understanding Your “Machinery” we discuss the Heart and Soul.

I consider this place to be where our truest selves lie, rather than the Mind-Body as most of us mistakenly tend to believe.

Consider the physical organ of the Heart to “house” the Soul. It has been researched that the heart generates an electromagnetic field up to 5000 times greater (or more) than that of the brain. Hence it is a brain of its own. You can learn more about this at the HeartMath Institute website —

Going back to the metaphysical aspect of this “spiritual machinery” of ours, it is vital that we get back to centering our awareness in the Heart center.

We often get into the Ego trap of identifying with Mind-Body (our physical appearance and capabilities and/or our thoughts and concepts of ourselves). As already mentioned, the Soul is the truest aspect of who and what we are as these Spiritual Beings living the human experience.

When we are true to ourselves and living as heart-centered beings, we cease to desire the outward \”things\” to satisfy our invisible needs—mostly validation. All that we need is inside of us. All the love and abundance we seek through Mind & Body pursuits are, in truth, within and always have been.

As we begin to internalize this concept, it orients us in heart-centered “being-ness”. This is where we may attain balance and live life through flow rather than force.

Stay tuned for a bonus part 4 where I discuss the interplay of the Heart-Mind-Ego complex, otherwise known as your Spiritual Machinery.

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